Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Summer 1st.

Its obvious that spring is my favorite time of year.
The lushness and growth.
Yet summer holds many treasures.
A drier and more contented lazy happiness.
And my birthday!!
Other delights that summer brings:
- Fresh buby coconuts.
- Cider in the park.
- Mexican themed Christmas!...Feliz Navidad.
- Recovery from intense Fijian sun...

So to celebrate this beautiful time of year.
We shall hear from our dear Mr. Micheal Leunig.
Of whom has much to say to our hearts.

" Dear God,
We rejoice and give thanks for earthworms,
bees, ladybirds and broody hens; for
humans tending their gardens, talking to
animals, cleaning their homes and singing to themselves;
for the rising of the sap, the fragrance of growth, the invention of the wheelbarrow and the existence of the teapot, we give thanks. We celebrate and we give thanks.

Enjoy the sydney rain. or where ever you are in the world.
Ps. To mark the summery air- My blue berries are turning blue! and when I say blue berries.. I mean the singular. There is one.
...and it will be savored. 
A better departing gift I cannot fathom.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Picnics for Mr. Earth.

Mexico is the new Copenhagen.
Haven't you heard?

Which means I could rah rah rah about climate change.
But there's lots of other people for that.

I'd rather just tell you about my day.
An indoor earth picnic ( Due to glum/tea weather)

Just beautiful people: chilling out for this beautiful ground we all walk on. In hope and meditation that todays climate discussions prove fruitful for us all.

The 'Earth Vigil' Group have a facebook; and dearest Naomi Bower is a lady to look out for. She does beautiful things. 

These events exist!
Even from my little teacup in the pasture lands...It's possible to seek these new adventures. and put ones energies into a more vibrant future. 

Friday, November 26, 2010


I won't pretend to know many words.

and I'm actually a terrible speller.
( Not a great quality for a training teacher)

Yet i do have a respect. and love. 
For words.
My Dear sister put me onto this. and i implore you... Take up a word, preserve and cherish it...!!


I heard that Oxford dictionary is going to stop printing hard copies// and whilst my source is fairly unreliable. It still seems to be the way things are going...
Even I am guilty of a dictionary app on my iphone. Spoilt with convenience, we are!

Let us preserve words... keep books, and post letters. and not be over run with all this simulation of life.
In the spirit of things.
My word is "Affictitious" and have already used it in many sentences.
Meaning: Artificial , counterfeit, fake.
So when Geoff asks me why I don't like Coke... I will need not to rant. Merely... It is 'Affictitious'.

A thought for words. Good night.

"I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I am"

Today and all days... is about the colour green.
Lately so, since it clashes so nicely against red hair.

A Saturday morning project: pretty little nothings. Button collection was getting out of hand. 

But less narcissistically, since it is the colour of life and growth. And edible goodness.

Bounty. Sugar Snap Peas. 
Sunday finds a meditation on green. All things Verde.
Little Mr. F.Rog: Chilled out all day whilst I watered the lavender. 
Baby grapes. March will see them a delight for the senses...and the jam jars.

Just for good measure. E.E Cumming's can grace us with his words once more:
"I thank God for this most amazing day. For the leaping greenly spirits of trees. And for the blue dream of sky. and for everything which is natural. Which is infinite. Which is Yes." 

Good day to you dear.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tea Cup Travels to Rabi.

Essentially I've chosen my first over seas trip to be to a tinsy island. Off the coast of Fiji... Which in itself.. isn't of epic proportions.

So the 4th til the 17th of December see's this fantastic teacup brew up some nifty adventures for Miss Pearl.
With 9 other volunteers... we fundraised and contributed to raise funds to help out this community. And now set off to actually do the work...
I have really big muscles.. don't you know?

Rabi (pronounced Rambi) has a very strained and political history. and i know i can't actually conceive of this yet... sitting here on my comfy bed, eating pineapple like its going out of fashion. (When actually... seasonally.. its in fashion! Oh to mint and pineapple concoctions)
But our trusty friend lonely planet says:
  • Its populated by Micronesians- Originally from Banaba.
  • At the turn of the century the native islanders sold the phosphate mining rights of Banaba in return for an annual payment. Yet because they didn't understand western money systems... Were pretty much ripped off. AND got to see their island home destroyed by mining.
  • Then in WW11- Japanese invaded and massacred many villagers.
  • British Govt then bought Rabi for the 2000 survivors.
  • Many land rights issues are arising.
  • THEN: they got hit by Tsunami Tomas. And lost 80% of its economy.
Hhhmmmmmm: Shall i continue?

As you can see... There isn't much infomation on the internet about it. Its a very small community. and we have no idea what to expect.
What fun!!
We've heard whisper of 'Library work" which could mean anything from physical labor to archiving local history. 

First picture to come up on google images. All one can do.

I look forward to enlightening everyone on this adventure on my return. I know i will look back on this post with horror at my naivety. But this is all i have to work with for now.... Pineapple, lonely planet and a google image.

Hey Jesska... Remember when we made these little frogs!?
Yet I am kinda forfeiting my 23rd. 
To spend it with the Banabans, Rach and Sarah darlings and a few coconuts. 
Alas, the 10th of December will see Sydney feeling a little empty.
No yearly hit of tea parties nor picnics for my dear lovelies.
Yet hope to see you all for deliciousness... whether it be tea, park chills or dinners, on my return.

I shan't say my goodbyes just yet. As i will probably find tasty morsels to post before I go.
xo. From the Cup. Of life.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Minty Quinoa Tabouleh

The Mint in the garden exploded in the last few weeks. and the naughty parsley city was already needing a drastic depopulation.
Ah Tabouleh! 
Q: what does a Gluten free girl do without burghul ?
A: Quinoa. ( Keen-wa )
This South American grain-like wonder! Its actually a seed that is closer relative to spinach and Swish Chard.
It is a recently rediscovered ancient "grain" once considered "the gold of the Incas." Being high in protein, it sustains energy and gives you that pep in your step.
Its nutty and crunchy and works brilliantly in this recipe.

This makes 8 cups of goodness. So unless you REALLY like tabouleh: Halve it.
In your posession:
1.5 Cups Quinoa
1.5 Cups Seeded & Finely diced Tomato
1 Cup Finely chopped Parsley
1 Cup diced Cucumber.
.5 Cup Thinly sliced scallion greens.
.5 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
6tbsp Lemon juice
.25 tsp Ground cumin
.25 tsp Ground cinnamon 
.5 Cup Finely chopped fresh mint.

  • Rinse Quinoa. Get rid of all the icky bits.
  • Bring Quinoa, .5 tsp Salt and 3 cups of water to boil in med saucepan- High voltage! cover and simmer til water is absorbed. Quinoa cooks a little like rice: It will be translucent and tender when cooked. (10-15 mins)
  • Make fluffy motions with a fork. Think aeration. and turn out onto baking sheet to cool. 
  • Fluff it again when cool. just for good measure.. and added fluffiness. ( and because its a good word) Transferring to a large bowl couldn't hurt either.
  • Add  tomato...parsley...cucumber..  scallion ( that's a nice word also) ..oil...lemon juice...cumin....cinnamon and 1 tsp salt. Toss well. (Creativity should be dominant in this section... add more cumin if so the desire...)
  • Mingling. Like at a party... let the flavours dance. Not essential.. but over night works a treat. Not everyone has over night to attend to the tabouleh party however. A siesta in the fridge will do.
  • Before serving: Let sit at room temp for a while. Stir in the mint. Add more oil and salt...If you like more oil and salt.
 Easy Peasy. Lemon Squeezy.
oh! and I in nooooo way take credit for this recipe. Merely the poetic license and quaint observations. If you would like to see the 'real' ( less fun) version- "Fine cooking: fresh" Published by The Taunton. Just saying.

and in this i say good bye.
xo Bryanna Pearl

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Tea Parlour

An impromptu tea happening found me here.
and here i could not have been happier.
  369 Elizabeth St Redfern. Sydney.

Just a beautiful little girl making her love of tea, poetics and beauty real. This is the place she wanted to drink tea at... but it didnt exist. So now it does.
And Sydney is all the better for it me thinks.

Following her grandmothers recipes.. Theres high tea, devonshire tea and a selection of other tasties. I even managed to gain myself some gluten-free goodness.

 Obviously... shall we tea??

And in with the older.

And now this tale can fully begin.

As the delights of the city came a little lack lustre.
and homeward bound I found myself.

Fresh eyed. Fancy free.
A launching pad...
For creative delights.
Poetical ramblings.
Bike rides and
cooking up various storms.

                                  The sugar snap peas are all but over.
but the rouge to the tomatoes promises culinary experiments.
I haven't yet tried fried green tomatoes.. this may be my year.

Currently watching radish, beetroot, rocket, zucchini and bok choy enjoy the last of the gentle spring sun. Blueberries burst forth in azul brilliance... A little cage was constructed to protect my bounty.

                                                    The orchard is full of pears, granny smiths and plums.
Such abundance!

Miss Marlie... Pomegranates!!!. You'll be bouncing off the walls when you come to visit. Oh to natural sugars and beautiful girls.

                                                Pond reflections made for pondering?

This is just a snap shot of my world.
Breakfast as usual. ...
and yes the birds sound like a sound track from the secret garden.
Painfully whimsical, But one must love where she finds herself. xo

"I'm happiest when most away
I can hear my soul from its home of clay
On a windy night when the moon is bright
and the eye can wander
through worlds of light.
When i am not and none beside-
Nor earth nor sea nor
cloudless sky-
but only the spirit wandering wide
through infinite immensity"- Emily Bronte

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Out with the old.

Farewell DearRoseville Chase.

As one must know where one has been before she knows where she is going...

This is where I've been for the past 10months.
I miss you.


 This is Charmy Gordon. He was a Gum Tree... that looked shockingly like a lizard ( A charmelion!)
I miss him too.

Roseville was fresh air. Was breath. Was stillness.But one must move forward.
Calmness before the storm of new beginnings.

And in this we say goodbye.
and hop, jump and skip into a dainty little teacup..

Friday, November 12, 2010

Since feeling is first...

... Id like my first post. to be simply a poem.
and I didn't even write it.
But my obsession with E.E. Cummings is getting out of control.
And whilst spring is still springing...
I shall share.

Since feeling is first
who pays attention to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;
wholly to be a fool
while spring is in the world
my blood approves
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom.
Lady i swear by all flowers. Dont cry
-the best gesture of my brain is less than your eyelids flutter
which says
we are for each other; then
laugh, leaning back in my arms

For life's not a paragraph
and death i think is no parenthesis.


This is what 4years of art school did to me!
Appreciation, gratitude and the slowness of observation.
Skip the head; live straight from the heart. <3