...Pretty obvious that sliced bread, actually bread in general isn't much my cup of tea. Try some nutty little amazing!!
[First and foremost. May I add that... this is not my own creation.
The ever beautiful David, Luise and Elsa have trialed and tested this wonder for us over at Greenkitchenstories.com]
Yet I post this in my own manner. Because so many people have asked me for the recipe. Because it rules. and Because I like posting little bits of fun.
so. You'll need.
2 cups of Nuts. (I used almonds, sunflower, pepitas, and linseeds. But any would suffice!)
1 egg.
2tbsp water.
1 tsp salt.
Num num num sprinkles: Salt/pepper, nigella seeds, sumac, mixed herbs, sesame seeds...What ever you wish!
Nuts! |
Prep O.v.e.n at 180 degreeeees.
Put the nuts in a food processor and go Chop chop chop. So they make little tiny nuts = flour.
Transfer into a bowl and add the egg. mix around and add the water if needed ( some eggs are BIG and don't need it)
Should have a nice firm dough. Divide into 2 or 3 balls.
Roll out with rolling pin... hmmm 2mm maybe. Yes, I'm very scientific!
(sometimes it sticks to the rolling pin. Cover with extra sheet of baking paper)
Spray with water, add Num num numbs...roll over again to press into dough.
Flat nuts. |
Cut into bite size squares..
Turn o.v.e.n down to 150. bake bake bake. Keep watch on them...
15 minutes should be premium.
Take out of o.v.e.n and let them go all dry and crunchy.
and then try try try not to eat them all.
so so good.
Such a whole food. Nuts and an egg. perfect!
Make some guacamole, invite some friends over.. and you've got a party!
Lazy saturdays... Making nut crackers to Bonobo.
("for distance we create whimsy to battle the odds"-O)
Just chillin'