Saturday, June 25, 2011

Goodbye K.wol. Hello Deniliquin.

With just as much kicking and screaming as it took to convince myself to stick to my internship, it took just as much to drag myself away. 
And not too far have I strayed...

With degree complete. Official Casual teacher. 
A week of real work secured for July. 
Real life, big girl.. go to work, work!! 
And the side note to this is:
(and get paid for it)

In love with Langston Hughes right now:
his simple words speak to me, when I'm finally allowed to take a break and stop thinking.

Hand made stamps. A wintery... sitting by the fire type pass time.
"What happens to a dream deferred? 

Does it dry up 
like a raisin in the sun? 
Or fester like a sore-- 
And then run? 
Does it stink like rotten meat? 
Or crust and sugar over-- 
like a syrupy sweet? 

Maybe it just sags 
like a heavy load. 

Or does it explode?" 

Ahhh dreaming. New dreams.
Lets not let our dreams explode... or stink like rotten meat for that matter!

Many new fun stories to share over tea. 
And yet I am off to Deniliquin... the Ute muster capital of Australia! 
Yeps... going to see what rural education is all about. eh, decided a tea cup's gotta go, where a tea cups gotta go...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A reminder.

..of beauty, 
and winter sunshine. 
A mid afternoon walk stumbled upon this delight. 
After a busy week.. was the perfect reminder.. to play. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hazelbrook Mural Project.

I've titled it " drinks at the haze"
Remember that fresh blank wall ( no? see holidaze post)
Well.. blank no more!

Hello miss community spirit. Through hectic wind tunnels, coffee needing artists and towering scaffolding... This is what the crew pulled off!

An overview of the history of Hazelbrook. Bush fires juxtaposed with snow. Farms and wildlife.
Michael Lynn, a brilliant artist that taught us the tricks of the trade.
 A sponge on a big stick... under a big bridge. 

Can you feel the community love? 
My initiation into old Blue.
xo bp.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Old Goodbyes. New Hellos.

Today marks a week left of interning.
Just one.
I look back on " arghhh 14 week internship"
Then there was a middle time of "Meh internship". and now..."sooky bye bye internship". 
All this come and go. Rises.. and passes away.

And whilst my bottom lip quivers a little at the thought of leaving this place. There's something that says... "you're not done here yet." And so the goodbyes, they aren't forever. 
Actually.. Ill be back the very next week. 
Korowal Caberet! Come one come all to Caberet Ball.
AND then for a gorgeous mosaic that I'm over seeing. AND for a new reading program for k-6 called Multi Lit.
So really.. Yes internship is finishing. BUT they'd be lucky to get rid of me :) Ill just hang around until they pay me. 

Other fun tidbits include...Night three of home alone. Loving it! Why would i have thought otherwise? Self preservation...Just in case it sucked.
Oh yeah, and you're reading the words of the newest little waitress at Jazz Apple in Glenbrook. 
Home Brewed Chai, gluten free cakes... amazing aprons and general chit chat. How fanciful. Thanks universe. Providing as always.

Hope you're staying warm. 