Friday, May 27, 2011

A faggot of sticks and a solitary Pearl.

Good Bye Scott and Jude. So long and thanks for all the cat food.

S'just me and Angus holed up for the winter. 
(He is the one that eats the cat food, promise)

My stick collecting has become an art. 
Faggot Faggot Faggot... Ahh the beauty of a naughty collective noun. 
My little teepee fires are roaring. 
Wood chopping skills are entering refinement mode.
Quickly developing fire bug tendencies. 
Something mesmerising, beautiful, honest and quaint about the fire place.
Making home. Making heart.
I am women. hear me ROAR...
Happy Birthday dear Jude. Enjoy Canada, family, adventures and each other. A well deserved break.
See you in 8 weeks... ill have the tea ready for your return :)

Yule party anyone? Mulled wine and spiced chai... roasted chestnuts, marshmallows and anything else we can put near a flame. All cliches welcome. 
xo the solitary pearl.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Puzzled Post.

A love of post, friendship and beauty finds this in the mail.
A task that reminds me of my incapacity to recover my left brain. and leaves me stranded on my bedroom floor for many eves.
An envelop of doom. Open at risk it whispers... ( caution notes indicate not opening in open areas. contains small pieces: Not suitable for small children either )
A menagerie of chaos.
Vague hints, mean the pile mulls over for a few days. I google the words " Night, tree, reassembles" Brilliant words. Fruitful googling.
"Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Ahh this man, he knows me well. ( Sender of post that is... not old Saint. E)
And so i begin to clue in. Hmmm... picture on one side. Numbered letters on the other. (still have no idea as to how i shall tackle this...)
So i start the piles. Illogically. Into piles of the same number. NOT (as intended) the same letter.
Explains why this happens: 
Oh riggggggghhhhhht... 
Letters not numbers! (When the alphabet came into the maths classroom.. miss pearl high tailed it outta there. ) New piles. Many Skype cursing to sender man. Much tea.
K, got it. Obviously. Line up the letters... from lowest number to highest in the fashion Saint. E intended. flip over to reveal image)
And where did i end up?
A quitter when is deemed relevant. This project transversed the 'tra la la distractions from lesson planning' to the 'go get a life miss p' gap. Once the beautiful quote got revealed.. and I was battling blue sky lay outs and green grass clippings.. i put him to rest.
I got to here. Gappy and disjointed. Did he expect it any other way?
Alice came to a fork in the road.  "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

THANKS GEOFF. Inspiration for this point in my journey. When im asking... Hmmms, whats next? and realising... this isn't even a question i should be asking. But merely staying receptive.. and open. 
"it doesn't matter"

Logic fails me. But truth prevails.
Much love. Bee Pea Tea xo
As a thankyou. and an apology ( for the disjointness of intellect). I baked these for you.
Coming to a post box near you!
A fun puzzle to piece back together once trusty Aust Post has anything to do with it!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Autumn falls to Winter.

I only like writing in courier. It reminds me of my 2 un-inked type writer that I long to fix. Maybe i can convince my creative side that this is a substitute.. not merely a conciliation prize. 

Its been a while between writings. The dryness felt by internship is passing...I can feel my little fingers unfurling, saying play play play. 
And so I have been. Thus the no writing.
This weekend saw Hula hoop workshops and (possibly too much) chai (never). 
Operation hoop-la in motion.

Just one singular beauty. Hazelbrook. 
Despite the ups and downs of new spaces, new faces and the constant under confidence that only a teaching internship may bring... I love where I live ( Judith and Scott and Angus... you are beautiful beings)and I love the mountains.
And right now I have so so so much respect for the autumn tree's up here. Every morning... my whole head just explodes with beauty at how vibrant these tree's are. And every day i watch them change...with each leaf that drops... knowing winter is fast approaching. Ice on my windscreen this morning confirmed my inkling.
"I speak for the trees"

So its boots time. Its scarf time. Its time for me to learn how to build a proper fire.. its chestnuts and chai time. Andddddd...
Its that bunker down and spend time with the most loved ones time.
As leunig says in his poem 'winter'.. this time is "a season to cherish the heart"
May we make this happen? May we respect winter for what it is... instead of cursing its wintery ways? 

Come visit me! Ill be a host with the most. and you too can honour the autumn trees ( be quick! their going fast!) and bunker down with a book and the fire. Bryanna Pearl B+B now open...<3 xoxo
So much love.